domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

On Beauty and Grace / Sobre Beleza e Graça

Beauty is never destructive, and Grace is never aggressive. (Paola Ranova, 2014) / A Beleza nunca é destrutiva, e a Graça nunca é agressiva. (Paola Ranova, 2014)

sábado, 2 de agosto de 2014

Beauty, Suassuna, Plato / Beleza, Suassuna, Platão

Suassuna emphasizes "The Banquet" and "Phaedrus"  when he writes about Beauty according to Plato for an introductory aesthetics class:

Reminiscence and "Menon"

"It seems appropriate to affirm that, for Plato, Beauty caused, more than anything else, wonder, pleasure, rapture, delight. If there were any doubts about these attributes, they would be over the nature of such delight, concerning wisdom and Truth - which in turn, according to Plato, were able to "disrupt vehement types of love" to be enjoyed and not only perceived - and these ideas are also borrowed from the already mentioned platonic text Phaedrus. That would later lead [Jacques] Maritain to affirm that "wisdom is loved for its beauty, whereas beauty is loved for itself", discerning this statement from his idea that "beauty is essencially delightful, and for that reason, for its own essence of being beauty, moves our desires and produces love, while truth, as itself, can only illuminate." (Ariano Suassuna, Initiation to Aesthetics)

(To access Plato's work please click on )


Suassuna enfatiza "O Banquete" e "Fedro" para falar sobre Beleza em Platão como referências de um curso introdutório sobre estética ( para acessar obras de Platão em Português, clique em ):